Food Services
Welcome to Our Food Program
The school operates a nutritious hot lunch and snack program. Students who bring lunch from home eat their lunch in the cafeteria along with those who purchase a lunch. Children receive menus once a month. The cost of lunch is $2.50 which includes a drink. A snack is $.60 and a drink is $.40. You may pay in advance and establish a lunch account for your child. If you would like to join your child for lunch and plan to eat hot lunch, please give a 24 hour notice to Chef Tom.
Free and Reduced Price Lunch
In accordance with federal regulations, the school district shall make free and reduced price lunch available to all students who meet the economic criteria for free or reduced priced lunches through the school lunch program.
Parents who believe their students are eligible may contact the secretary or principal for a paper copy of the application, complete the required federal forms and a determination will be made relative to their eligibility. Parents may appeal a negative determination to the Superintendent of Schools. The application documents are also available below.
Staff Members